I grabbed my hot tea and opened the DNA news paper.Till today's morning i was quiet sure about my perception of love and relationships.But this Guru Speak column really moved me and forced me to check my definitions again and again...Its a kind of enlightenment for me.I think many of you must have missed it but don't you worry..I'm reading it out for you all.
Its really mysterious that each relationship begins in the freedom of love and ends in the bondage of relationship.Love comes like a strong breeze and carries away lovers to unknown dimensions.Two lovers go through peak experiences and then need to settle-in the process,they start feeling bored, craving the same peaks again.When this does not happen, they feel frustrated and fall into the ditch of misery.
Life functions in polarities and dualities. One who understand this becomes at ease with them and finds peace.By choosing, you end up in misery.Be in choice-less awareness,and you attain equanimity and go beyond misery.Osho says that a relationship that is alive is always changing.It has many climates, many moods.It has many surprises.A dead relationship remains remains stagnant.It is repetitive; it is the same- but then it is no longer relationship. Then you are not two persons, just two things together.
A relationship based on love and not any business will be flowing and river-like. The mystic Heraclitus says,"One cannot step in the same river twice." Alive love-relationships come to fruition, but they are never complete. Completion simply means death and nothing else.
In the Book of Wisdom, Osho explains the difference between love and relationship- particularly the relationship that we know. He says,"Relationship means something complete, finished, closed.Love is never a relationship; love is relating. It is always a river, flowing, unending. Love knows no full stop; the honeymoon begins, but never ends. It is not like a novel that starts at a certain point and ends at a certain point. It is an ongoing phenomenon.Lovers end, love continues.It is a continuum. it is a verb, not a noun."
Life full of love is not static; it is vibrant. There's a breezing of freedom in love.Such love knows no bounds, no misery.It is all joy and bliss.
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7 years ago